Palace / Building phases

Main information:

Linderhof Palace

Building phases


Picture: Plan of the main floor showing the building phases

Picture: Color sample

1869 – Enlargement of the forester's house to create the "Königshäuschen" (royal hunting lodge) (building phase 1)

Picture: Color sample

1870 – "Königshäuschen" extended with an east wing (building phase 2)

Picture: Color sample

1871 – West wing added (building phase 3)

Picture: Color sample

1873 – Facing of the façade and new roof (building phase 4)

Picture: Color sample

1874 – "Königshäuschen" pulled down and the southern tract built (building phase 5)

Picture: Color sample

1885 – Extension of the bedroom, lengthening the building on the northern side (building phase 6)

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