Park / Plan and tour

Main information:

Linderhof Park

Plan of the grounds / Tour on the park buildings

Plan of Linderhof Park

General plan of the Linderhof grounds plus legend


Tour on the park buildings

To get larger pictures and more information please click on the photos. The figures in brackets correspond with the numbers in the general plan.


Link to the Swan Pond

Swan Pond (8)


Link to the Moroccan House

Moroccan House (9)


Link to the Royal Lodge

Royal Lodge (10)


Link to the Water Parterre and royal lime tree

Water Parterre and
royal lime tree (12+13)

Link to the Terrace Gardens

Terrace Gardens (14)


Link to the Temple of Venus

Temple of Venus (15)


Link to St Anna Chapel

St Anna Chapel (16)


Link to the Eastern Parterre

Eastern Parterre (17)

Link to the Western Parterre

Western Parterre (18)


Link to the Neptun Fountain

Neptun Fountain with
cascade and pergolas (19-21)


Link to the Music Pavilion

Music Pavilion (22)


Link to the Moorish Kiosk

Moorish Kiosk (24)

Link to the former quarters of the building site supervisory staff

Former quarters of the building
site supervisory staff (25)


Link to Hunding's Hut

Hunding's Hut (27)


Link to the Hermitage of Gurnemanz

Hermitage of Gurnemanz (28)


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