Welcome to
Linderhof Palace and Park

Tourist information / General information

Main information:

Things to know about your visit

Where can I buy tickets?

Tickets are available at the cash desk of Linderhof Palace; we offer some tickets online via our ticket shop. So even if there are no more tickets available online, you can usually still buy tickets at the cash desk.

For groups of 15 persons or more, reservations can be made. Further information can be found here.

Information for visitors in winter

Please note: Linderhof Palace is located at an altitude of approx. 1000 m above sea level; even if there is little or no snow, frost and ice are to be expected. Please make sure you wear suitable footwear and winter equipment.

The water works are not in operation during the winter months; the figures and vases in the park are protected by wooden cladding. If there is snow or ice, parts of the castle park may have to be closed for safety reasons.

As wintry road conditions are to be expected in the Linderhof area from October to April we recommend winter equipment (snow tyres, possibly snow chains) for your journey to Linderhof by car. Besides in winter all or part of the so-called Planseestraße between Ettal-Linderhof (road 2060) and Reutte in Austria/Tyrol (L 255) may be blocked at times because of the danger of avalanches. Please note the current traffic information of the ADAC respectively ÖAMTC.

5 to 23 May 2025: State road 2060 (Graswang – Linderhof) temporarily closed

Due to roadworks, the state road 2060 between Graswang and Linderhof will be temporarily closed from Monday, 5 May to Friday, 23 May 2025. On the weekends (10/11 + 17/18 May 2025) the road will be open continuously (from Saturday 7 am to Monday 3 pm).

Here you can find detailed information on the accessibility of Linderhof Palace from 5 to 23 May 2025.

No tickets on sale online during the roadworks (5 to 23 May 2025)

For organisational reasons, no tickets will be offered for sale online for the duration of the roadworks (5 to 23 May 2025). During this period, tickets will only be available at the Linderhof Palace ticket office.

Reservations for groups for the period from 5 to 23 May 2025 are not possible after 2 pm.


Information for people with a handicap

Here you will find some information to prepare your visit to Linderhof Palace if your mobility is restricted or if you are visually or hearing impaired.



Picture: Stone sculpture "Venus and Adonis" in the Eastern Parterre

Plan of Linderhof Palace and Park

Here you will find a plan of the Linderhof grounds.


Photography and filming

Taking pictures or filming is unfortunately not allowed in the palace, in the royal lodge and in the King's House on Schachen. Photo and film shoots are basically subject to approval and charges. Here you will find information on photography permits / film permits. Taking pictures of the outside of the buildings for private use does not require a permit.

The Linderhof Palace complex is part of the Ammergebirge Nature Reserve: the flying of model planes and drones / multicopters is therefore prohibited.

We also provide you with image and film material that you may use free of charge on your own website under certain conditions; click here to download image material or download footage.


Free Wi-Fi is available from Linderhof Palace to the Water Parterre to the Terrace Gardens and in the ticket office area.



Picture: Moorish Kiosk, Peacock Throne, detail

Bulky items

Bulky items may not be taken into the palace. Lockers are available opposite the Schlosshotel for large bags, rucksacks, photo equipment etc. A number of lockers for smaller items you can find near the toilets at the palace.

Prams and child carriers can be left at the palace entrance.

No liability can be accepted for items deposited in lockers or at the entrance.



Dogs may only be taken into the palace if they are carried. We cannot offer supervision for animals brought along. Please keep dogs on an lead in the park.

Eye-Able assistence software